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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it called killi?
The word killi comes from a corruption of an old Dutch word for spring. When the first Dutch immigrants came to America, they found small fish in springs that they then called "killi". The word has i.a. nothing to do with the English verb "to kill".
Where is killi found in the wild?
Killi can be found in all parts of the world, with the exception of Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.). Biotopes, the different species of ciliates live in your highly variable, from small waterholes that dry up during the drought to large lakes. The water values vary from soft and acidic water to water that is saltier than the sea! But most of the species that most killiots keep in their aquariums can be kept in water that, with no or only minor changes, can be tapped from the taps here in Scandinavia.
Can killi be kept in a company aquarium?
Some species can be kept well in company aquariums, if they are not kept together with too unruly fish, or fish that the kittens would like to consider as food... Most kittens prefer that the water movements in the aquarium are not too large and that it is not too strong lighting. In a well-planted company aquarium, with areas where the killer fish can "live their own lives", there are several species of killer fish that can be successfully kept. Aphyosemion australe, Aphyosemion striatum, Aplocheilus lineatus, Epiplatys dageti (See species descriptions) are all species that can be kept in a company aquarium.
Do killi only eat live food?
No, it's a myth. Killi can only eat frozen food and dry food. But if you only feed dry food, you can't expect to get fry on your fish either. And it had been pretty nice, hadn't it? If you get an adult fish that has only received live food from its original owner, it will be difficult for some species to get them used to eating frozen food etc.
Is it difficult to breed killi?
No and yes. No, there are species that are among the easiest aquarium fish to breed, and yes, there are species that will be a challenge for even very skilled aquarists. But there are dozens of species that a slightly persistent beginner will be able to pull up, and from that gain experience to eventually try slightly more difficult species. If you intend to grow killis successfully on any scale, you should definitely have established a technique to produce enough newly hatched brine shrimp to meet the demand.
Why are there rarely killi in the aquarium shop?
One reason is that the individual aquarium shop owner is characterized by the same prejudices that exist in some aquarium environments in relation to killifish; difficult to keep, short-lived, etc. Therefore, they also do not take in the species that are actually on the importers' lists.
Another thing is that the biotopes where killi live are not among the most visited by commercial trappers. And these are species that are not suitable for commercial breeding because the fish are too unproductive and labor-intensive compared to other comparable aquarium fish that are already established.
Common to most kittens that you buy in the zoo shop is that they lack a location code. This means that you unfortunately lose a dimension in your killi team.
Do you need filters in killi aquariums?
No, if you don't have too many fish in the aquarium, have enough plants and regularly do partial water changes, your filter is unnecessary. On the other hand, a small, air-powered biological filter could make the job of maintaining water quality easier. In a way, they become what the aquarist feels most comfortable with.
In any case, you should treat powerful "motor-driven filters" with a subsequent strong water movement.
How hot should the killi fish be?
Some species prefer the temperature to be below 20 degrees Celsius, while other species prefer temperatures up to 26-27 degrees. But for the large amount of chilli, a temperature between 20-25 degrees is suitable. This means that, as a general rule, you do not need heating flasks in the aquarium if the aquarium has normal room temperature. The temperature fluctuation that will occur during a day is only positive. The temperature in small waterholes out in nature is not constant either.
Which species are good "starter species"?
Beginners to killi should initially start with herbivorous species; look at the list of species descriptions (species descriptions) here on the SKS site and you will get some tips.
Fortunately, there is no immediate connection between beauty, colors and "difficulty" when it comes to killi.
Which plants fit in a killi aquarium?
Killis and plants are a good combination, not least because there are only a few people with Killis who could even think of putting their teeth into a plant. But most plants prefer a lot of light, while most of the chilies prefer less light. You can solve this contradiction by having areas in the aquarium that are covered with floating plants, where plant-laying squid can lay eggs in the plant's root system and the brood can find hiding places.
Why is the bare Latin name used for killifish?
Correct Latin names for the fish are the only way to keep a system on all the species we are talking about. Popular names are far too imprecise and say little about where the species is placed in the tangle of species that exists.
In addition, we use killiot "locality designation" on the fish, which can say where the species/variant was caught, by whom, and when, if this is known. If you catch a fish with a locality designation, write it down, make sure it does not cross with fish from other localities, and spread the locality code further if you spread the species.
Where can I find more information about killifish?
You can start with "Start with killis" here on the SKS site. SKS's honorary member Anders Cassel has also written a simple handbook in Swedish, about killihold "Killis - egg-laying tanncarp". Despite the fact that it is a few years old and to a certain extent bears the stamp of it, it is still a "must" for a beginner in the hobby.
The Internet has many websites about killifish, with varying quality and content. A good starting point for "surfing" for information about Killis are the links you find on the SKS site.
Through membership in SKS, you also have the opportunity to obtain quality literature about killis in German and English.
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